Tuesday, September 29, 2015

How to Write and Sell Your Romance & Erotica — Agent One-on-One Boot Camp (w/Critique!) with Corvisiero Literary Starts October 12, 2015

Romance and erotica novels make up a significant percentage of all adult fiction in the book industry. Generating approximately $2 billion in sales per year, the market is indeed competitive, but it is vastly large and the profits can be anyone’s. All authors need to do is produce a good product and know how to sell it.

Good romance needs to enthrall the reader carefully and tactfully in a way that the love story is entertaining, enchanting or exciting, and just as important, believable. The reader’s journey will follow the character’s journey with a promise of emotional and intellectual satisfaction as the happily ever after is achieved.

But in such a competitive market, how do you make sure your book stands out as a quality submission? How do you walk the fine line between capturing the attention (and purchasing power) of readers of different ages and different background? How do you find the best agents and markets to submit your work to? How do you know when your book is a romance, work of erotica, new adult, or women’s fiction story? How do you decide when your work is ready for an agent or if you should self-publish?

In “How to Write and Sell Your Romance & Erotica,” a brand new Writer’s Digest Agent One-on-One Boot Camp starting October 12, 2015, the literary agents of Corvisiero Literary Agency will answer all those questions and more. They’ll also critique your work and allow you to ask questions you during online Q&A sessions.

Registrants will hear a tutorial on how to craft an amazing romance/erotica story, how to prepare the submission, how to choose between traditional publishing and self-publishing, and how to choose the right agent/help; then they will submit their work – either query letter and first 5 manuscript pages, or first 10 manuscript pages to be critiqued by experienced agents at the Corvisiero Literary Agency.

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This program will show writers of romance and erotica the following:

— What the difference is between romance, erotica, new adult, and women’s fiction—and why it matters to understand how the categories differ
— How the different categories or genres are viewed, who the target readers are, and how that affects what agents and publishers you will target
— Why an agent will tell you, “I love this story, but I can’t sell it”
— How to start your work strong and create engaging characters for both editors and readers to love
— How to craft a interesting and likeable story—focusing on the elements of each category
— How to create a story arc that works, thinking in terms of standalones and series potential
— How to create interesting conflicts with satisfying resolutions
— How to decide if you should follow a traditional or self-publishing model—which choice will work best for you and for your project.
— How to prepare a successful submission package– How to avoid the common mistakes that sink submission chances, such as:
1.  talking down to your reader
2. not having a redeemable or well developed character, solid plot, or strong hook
3. having a story that begins too slow or other plot development or pacing issues
4. not following guidelines
5. not choosing the right agent or editor
6. boasting about the work to sell it instead of describing it in the best possible light

Here’s how it works:

On October 12, 2015, you will gain access to the online tutorial presented by literary agents from the Corvisiero Literary Agency.

After listening to the presentation, attendees will spend the next two days revising materials as necessary. Also following the tutorial, writers may log onto our discussion boards and ask your assigned agent critiquers questions related to revising your materials. The agents will be available on the boards from 1-3 p.m. (ET) on October 13 and October 14. No later than Friday, October 16, attendees will submit either their query letter and the first 5 double-spaced pages of their manuscript or the first 10 double-spaced pages of their manuscript to be critiqued. The submissions will receive feedback directly from the boot camp literary agents.

The agents will spend up to two weeks reviewing all assigned critiques and provide feedback to help attendees. (The agents reserve the right to request more materials if they feel a strong connection to the work and want to read more; note that multiple agents have signed writers before from WD boot camps.) No later than October 30, 2015, agents will send their feedback to writer attendees.
Only registered students can access the discussion sessions. You’ll also be able to ask questions of your fellow students. Feel free to share your work and gain support from your peers.
Please note that any one of the agents may ask for additional pages if the initial submission shows serious promise.

In addition to feedback from agents, attendees will also receive a download of “How to Get an Agent,” an on-demand webinar by literary agent Carly Watters.

BONUS: Free with registration to this boot camp, you will receive Nothing’s Sweeter than Candy an erotic romance by Lotchie Burton (choose from epub, mobi, or pdf format).


Monday, October 12th: Online Tutorials
Tuesday, October 13th: Discussion Session 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM (ET)
Wednesday, October 14h: Discussion Session 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM (ET)
Friday, October 16th: Writers Submit Materials
Friday, October 30th: Agent Critiques Due. Sign up for the boot camp here.


Marisa A. Corvisiero, Esq. is the Founder, CEO and a Sr. Literary Agent at Corvisiero Literary Agency, a New York City boutique literary management services agency representing authors around the world. Marisa is also a consultant, speaker, author and an attorney focusing in Corporate and Trust and Estates law with experience in top global firms and fortune 500 companies. She participates in and has taught several workshops and boot camps on writing and publishing for Writer’s Digest, at Conferences around the country, and various other Online Resources.

Cate Hart is all about guilty pleasures. She loves salted caramel mochas, Justin Timberlake, Fox’s Sleepy Hollow, and Steampunk. As a native Nashvillian, Cate’s biggest guilty pleasure is watching Nashville. When she’s reading, Cate looks for character-driven stories, a distinguished voice, and intriguing plots. She loves characters that surprise her, like the pirate with a heart of gold, and plots that keep her guessing until the very last page. When she’s not reading queries, Cate works with clients to build their platform, works on PR projects to help promote clients’ books, and reads manuscripts with an editorial eye.

Samantha Bremekemp started her career in publishing in 2008, and quickly realized that she preferred working directly with authors from the other side of the industry. She runs critique groups and writing groups for fun, as she also loves to write and help others to fulfill their writing ambitions. She is fully aware of how hard of an industry it really is in this day and age. Samantha’s background is in English literature, communications, and Spanish. She is currently working on her Master’s Degree in MLIS. She really thinks that if a writer is confident and believes in their work, their work will show that without having to showboat to prove it via a pitch.

Veronica Park is an agent, author, journalist and marketing consultant with more than seven years of experience writing and editing for publication. She graduated with a BA in print journalism with an emphasis in linguistics and business marketing from Brigham Young University and went on to expand her writing skills as a broadcast journalist and independent film producer, before running away with her husband to work on cruise ships in the Caribbean as a port lecturer and luxury goods marketing specialist. In publishing, she has finally found an arena that requires her entire assortment of professional skills, while allowing her to read and write every single day.

Sign up for the boot camp here.

The post How to Write and Sell Your Romance & Erotica — Agent One-on-One Boot Camp (w/Critique!) with Corvisiero Literary Starts October 12, 2015 appeared first on WritersDigest.com.

from WritersDigest.com » Writing Editor Blogs http://www.writersdigest.com/editor-blogs/guide-to-literary-agents/how-to-write-and-sell-your-romance-erotica-agent-one-on-one-boot-camp-wcritique-with-corvisiero-literary-starts-october-12-2015

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