Friday, October 30, 2015

How I Got My Literary Agent: Beth Buelow

“How I Got My Agent” is a recurring feature on the Guide to Literary Agents Blog, with this installment featuring Beth Buelow, author of THE INTROVERT ENTREPRENEUR. These columns are great ways for you to learn how to find a literary agent. Some tales are of long roads and many setbacks, while others are of good luck and quick signings. If you have a literary agent and would be interested in writing a short guest column for this GLA blog, e-mail me at and we’ll talk specifics.

IntrovertEntrepreneur_FINAL.indd Beth-Buelow-author-writer

Column by, Beth Buelowauthor of “THE INTROVERT
,” (November 2015,
Perigee/Penguin Random House) and “INSIGHT: REFLECTIONS
.” Beth is a professional

coach, podcaster, and speaker, is based in the Pacific Northwest and
serves introverts worldwide. Follow her on Facebook and Twitter

The beginning of it all

My journey to signing with my agent started with a snowstorm that led to a Hollywood ending.

In January 2012, my colleague Judy Dunn was scheduled to fly to New York for the Writer’s Digest Annual Conference.  She was on a mission to find an agent through the Pitch Slam event. As fate would have it, just as she was scheduled to fly out of Seattle, the region was hit with a rare blizzard, dubbed “Snowpocalypse.” Her flight was grounded. There would be no New York trip.

In the months that followed, Judy succeeded in signing with an agent. Mission accomplished! And she was left with a voucher for the brand new Writer’s Digest Conference West in October that she no longer needed. She ran a contest on her blog, giving away her ticket to the person who shared the best comment on why he or she should be the recipient of the ticket. Since I had a manuscript in need of an agent, I posted my comment and waited. And then I won. I was going to LA!

(Writing nonfiction? Hear submission advice from literary agents.)

I’d been working on my nonfiction book since 2010, and had only pitched to one agent (and received a “thanks but no thanks” response). I was actually still on the fence about whether to self-publish or go the traditional route. Weighing the options distracted me, so I kept my focus on the “what”—the manuscript and building my platform—and trusted the “how” would reveal itself in time.

I’m not sure this was the best approach, but I went to the writer’s conference with a make-or-break attitude. I attribute some of this to my introvert nature; knowing how exhausting it would be to do constant, spread-out-over-time networking and querying, I decided to throw my energy into the quick, convenient format of the Pitch Slam. A recent bestseller related to my rather niched topic had opened a window of opportunity in the marketplace. I was prepared to speak to that opportunity and used that to boost my confidence.

Making the leap, introvert style

Before going to the conference, I researched the Pitch Slam agents and chose four that I wanted to get in front of. The day of, in true introvert fashion, I retreated to sit alone by the pool and visualize what I wanted to happen. Instead of mingling and nervously chatting with others, I saved my energy for the moment I was in front of an agent. My first choice was Annie Bomke. Everything about her seemed to be a fit for my book. Of the four agents I pitched to that day, three asked for a proposal with sample chapters. Two followed up from there, including Annie. One agent provided feedback that she thought it was a strong idea, but my writing voice was too touchy-feely. If I could address that, she’d consider representing me. Annie replied that she loved my voice and could see strong potential. So I made the decision to decline further conversation with the other agent and focus on working with Annie.

(The skinny on why to sign with a new/newer literary agent.)

Over the next ten months—yes, ten months—Annie and I corresponded and tweaked my proposal. From the beginning, she seemed sincerely invested in the success of the manuscript. She also continuously reinforced to me that I could do it: that I could keep pushing myself to make the proposal better, build my platform, and produce a useful, marketable book.

Finish line

Finally in August 2013, Annie made an official offer of representation. I knew by then that she was the champion I wanted in my corner, so it was easy to say yes. We continued to work on the proposal, knowing that we were close to being able to query publishing houses.  On April 1, 2014, I sent her the final draft of the proposal, and we agreed that it was ready to go.

Within six weeks, we had accepted an offer from Perigee Books (Penguin Random House). The long engagement and unwavering commitment resulted in a quick marriage. It was my happy Hollywood ending!

You might read this and think, “She got lucky.” It’s true: I didn’t do endless queries, I found the right agent from the get-go, and we sold the book quickly. But “luck” means “success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one’s own actions.” The snowstorm? A catalyst we couldn’t have predicted. Some might say that was lucky for me. But everything after that was about persistence, patience, and hard work. It was as frustrating as it was energizing. When others look lucky, like they have a Hollywood ending, know they achieved their success through actions that are available to you, too.

Hook agents, editors and readers immediately.
Check out Les Edgerton’s guide, HOOKED, to
learn about how your fiction can pull readers in.

Other writing/publishing articles & links for you:

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Your new complete and updated instructional guide
to finding an agent is finally here: The 2015 book
GET A LITERARY AGENT shares advice from more 
than 110 literary agents who share advice on querying, 
craft, the submission process, researching agents, and
much more. Filled with all the advice you’ll ever need to
find an agent, this resource makes a great partner book to
the agent database, Guide to Literary Agents.

The post How I Got My Literary Agent: Beth Buelow appeared first on

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